• The 20 quintessential summer foods in Chicago to eat right now, from ice-cold to spicy hot

    WBEZ Chicago / by Maggie Hennessy / June 20, 2024

    We Chicagoans are used to fielding commentary about our intolerable weather from out-of-towners and nonbelieving expats. “Those winters are unbearable!” they gasp. Internally, we smirk at their misplaced hubris, knowing full well that no city summers better than Chicago.
    With so much to do during the summer months, eating necessarily becomes far less precious. We need sustenance: often cold and nearly always handheld. If savory, it must be well-ratioed, sustaining and fairly easy to wolf down on the go. If drinkable, we’d like it ice cold and packing an invigorating punch. We won’t say no to something sweet, either; after all, we’re treating ourselves — at least through Labor Day. Behold: 20 essential foods to try right now that say Chicago summer is here. Read More Here.




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